Getting Started
Okay. Here it goes. Never did I think that I would be starting a blog but then again, I didn’t know that I would feel such a passion about learning.
I walked into the doors of a Montessori classroom when everything else in my life felt like it was shattered. I am not sure I had ever seen a place of education that stemmed such grace and softness. There were baskets of intentional and inviting material that surrounded the room. There were classrooms with busy bodies of children choosing their own work while teachers sat giving one on one lessons. Other rooms were filled with purposeful children who maintained a focus and concentration. There was also a peace, a peace that was lacking in my own life and I wanted to be a part of this environment.
I started as an after school teacher and did what any good Montessorian would do, I observed. I would watch how the teachers interacted with the children. I watched how with the slight sound of a small bell, the children would calmly stop, reset, and look towards the guides for instructions. There was no yelling, clapping, or attention getters (which trust me I have used since then). It was simple. The rooms were simple. The names of the material were simple. It all resonated with what I would have wanted in my own school, for my children’s school, and what I wanted for my next step in life.
Now, here I am writing a blog. My ideas are big in my head right now and I am feeling that same passion as when I walked into those doors 9 years ago. Yet, the doors are my own now. The environment is my house and even online but I want to keep all the things that spoke to me about Montessori not only that first day, but the next, and the next one, the one that followed…